Introduction to disk mulchers
Disc mulchers are fast and productive attachments, which slice through and then mulcher residues, brush and standing small trees, making them a preferrable choice for clearing light and dense vegetation, pre-harvest work such as thinning and invasive species control. Where applicable, they can also be used on larger trees. They have also been proven in silviculture applications to cut stumps off flush with the ground. They are not a stump grinder in that they do not grind the stump below ground level.
How disc mulchers are configured
Disc mulchers comprise of a rotating disc with teeth which grind down trees and residues (e.g. stumps) efficiently. The disc acts like a flywheel to store energy. This stored energy combines with hydraulic power to enable the machine to mulch any trees or brush in the working area. The shape of the disc and position of the teeth allow the machine to effectively cut down and mulch different types of material. They are designed to mulch individual trees, clear brush and grass.
The Diamond disc mulcher pro can cut 356mm diameter trees/brush as well as mulch up to 152mm diameter trees and brush. For example, on eucalyptus plantations in Brazil, specifically in the Tres Lagoas areas, Diamond disc mulchers have been used to cut stumps at a rate of 8 – 10 stumps per minute. The Disc mulcher comes equipped with four-point harden steel teeth that act like an axe to slice material. Furthermore, there are fixed teeth located on the inside of the deck shell, which mulches material as the disc carries it through.
Other interesting information
The disc mulching attachments are compatible with various carrier machines such as skid-steer, compact track loader which enhances versatility and productivity of existing equipment. The disc mulching attachments are available with cutting widths of 1219mm and 1524mm. Diamond disc mulchers can be configured with standard flow or high-flow hydraulic machines.
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